European Media Coverage of US Government Shutdown

European media coverage of the US government crisis has taken two tracks: first, a focus on the financial impact of the impasse and how it will affect Europe, and second, human interest stories regarding Europeans in or coming to the US who are affected by the shutdown.  One approach that many reporting outlets have taken is: “Could it happen here,” with most concluding (perhaps not surprisingly!) that it could not, in part because the European health care systems have offered universal coverage paid in various ways for many decades.

BBC has almost daily coverage on its US & Canada page

One “long overview” article is useful.

Der Spiegel is likewise carrying a daily roundup in German

Some of these articles are translated into English in its “Spiegel Online International” US Page

Columbia Journalism Review carried a description of European media coverage on 10/11/13

The French International News site France 24 has a tagged collection of shutdown articles