Resources for Teachers (Teach Europe)
Free Continuing Education Opportunity for Teachers of History, Languages, and Social Studies
Teach Europe is an annual workshop for teachers hosted by the Center for European Studies at Rutgers University generally held in the fall. The program is designed to provide teachers of European languages and literatures, social studies, and history with new curricular ideas or approaches and up-to-date information on European developments. The talks and workshops are supported by the Center for European Studies in conjunction with the Rutgers World Languages institute and a number of European consulates and language studies associations.
There is no fee to attend, but please note that registration is required. Watch for registration announcements distributed via teachers' language and social studies listservs, and the Center's and Language Institute's own teacher mailing lists. To be added to the mailing list, please email
2019 Teach Europe Workshop information
Thanks to Melissa Gasparotto, Rutgers University Librarian, for her 2014 compilation of Rutgers University Libraries resources for teachers, available online at